Healthcare During Challenging Times: A Course for Health Professionals
We have had an incredible response and interest in this course. It is now full. Please use the link below to add your name to the waitlist. We are exploring options for another offering and will email you with details or as a space opens.
This program is being co-sponsored by New Hampshire Professionals Health Program (NH PHP) and Tend Health, and it is free to participants. Tend Health is a commercial entity but no other services are being promoted in this offering.
COVID-19 changed how people access healthcare, how people receive healthcare, and how healthcare professionals deliver care. COVID-19 – and its impact – are not over. The residue on health professionals is real and so is the financial strain. The need to make up lost revenue leaves little time for reflection, processing the impact of COVID-19, and meaning making to support post traumatic growth. We want to help you unpack all of this. Join us to learn how to name, acknowledge, and create meaning out of the suffering – how to avoid getting stuck and instead move towards post-traumatic growth.
Join this small, live, and intentional group of healthcare professionals for private and honest reflections about your experience during the pandemic while learning specific skills to make meaning from your experience and transform suffering into hope. 96% of past participants report they learned one or more skills to use going forward and 88% would recommend this course to their colleagues. The course will not be recorded or documented in any way to offer maximum privacy and professional protection.
I am very fortunate to have had the unique and powerful opportunity to connect with Tina and a group of likeminded health professionals, and often felt myself reflecting on how valuable it was over the course of the program. I can’t recommend it strongly enough.
– Medical Oncologist
Course Dates and Times
This is a 5-session course taking place weekly on Thursdays from 9:00am – 10:30am Eastern Time, beginning March 2, 2023 and ending March 30, 2023.
Learning Objectives
Session 1: COVID as a Collective and Individual Trauma
1. Analyze the experience of trauma, vicarious trauma, and secondary stress as it relates to being a healthcare provider during the pandemic
2. Apply the principles of trauma exposure to understand the personal impact on one’s mind, emotions, behaviors, and the body
3. Discuss and practice self-regulation techniques to mitigate activation in the body
Session 2: Feel it to Heal it: Working with your experiences, including Anger
in Clinical Practice
1. Discuss and practice the skill of naming the internal impact of COVID using specific experiences
2. Assess how individual reactions to events vary and can be informed by context, history, coping skills
3. Analyze how and why clinicians feel angry with patients, leadership, and larger oppressive systems of inequity in healthcare and society
4. Explain anger as a healthy emotion and as a secondary, often revealing one’s values
Session 3: Defining and Working Constructively with Moral Suffering
1. Assess the difference between constructive and destructive expressions of anger
2. Utilize constructive anger expression
3. Describe the landscape of moral suffering and identity specific instances of moral injury and moral distress
4. Prepare how to move towards restoring integrity in the face of moral suffering
Session 4: Self-Compassion, Other-Compassion
1. Describe self-compassion and its application to being a clinician during COVID
2. Assess the barriers to self-compassion and the reasons we hold onto the inner critic
3. Utilize the framework of self-compassion to address the impact of the internalized inner critic
4. Prepare specific strategies to foster acceptance, compassion, grieving, and forgiveness
Session 5: Post-traumatic Growth
1. Describe post-traumatic growth and discuss how adversity can build resilience and shape recovery
2. Demonstrate the practice of looking back (honoring) and looking forward (visioning)
3. Create and set personal intentions about how to work going forward, especially as the pandemic continues
How do I join the sessions? Once you have registered for the course you will receive a calendar invite for the course containing a Zoom link. This link should only be used by the participant who registered for the course and should not be shared.
Who else will be there? This offering is specifically curated to be of use for Healthcare Professionals in New Hampshire, including all of those professionals supported by the NH Professionals Health Program.
What is the cost? The course is sponsored by NH PHP and is free to participants.
How many CE credits are offered? CE credits will not be offered.
Will NH PHP be monitoring the course? Will they receive information about who attends? Your privacy and confidentiality is an absolute priority for Tend Health. NH PHP will not be monitoring this course, nor will they be receiving any identifying information about who attends. NH PHP representatives will not be attending the course sessions in any capacity (participants, facilitators, observers).
What if I need to miss a session? Participation at all five sessions is strongly encouraged as it will yield the most benefit to you. If you need to miss a session, please let your facilitator know as soon as possible.
What if I still have questions about the course not answered here? Please contact us.