Brian Sandoval, PsyD
My approach to clinical care is both compassionate and practical. Each provider brings a unique experience and history, and I aim to help individuals function more effectively in their personal and professional lives as soon as possible. My focus is not on psychological labels but instead on helping people cope and get “unstuck” through evidence-based approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). If you’re interested in learning more, I’m happy to offer an initial 20-minute consultation call so we can determine together the best approach for your situation.
On a personal level, I love taking road trips with my family, coaching my sons’ sports teams, eating tacos, and watching soccer (the “real” football.)
Brian Van Buren, PhD
I have spent most of my career working in hospitals and understand the unique pressures of inpatient medicine, rounding on the wards, and caring for people with complex medical problems. I am passionate about partnering with healthcare professionals to foster wellness, resilience, and meaning in their personal and professional lives. Working in healthcare, there are many opportunities for exposure to traumatic events and I work with people to address the residue of this work.
In my spare time, I enjoy running, spending time with family and friends, and exploring all that New England has to offer.
Cathy Moonshine, PhD
I value cultural humility, anti-racist practices, and trauma-informed environments within systems of care. I enjoy living in Hilo, Hawaii with my three French Bulldogs, and love cooking and gardening; orchids are my specialty.
Katherine Buck, PhD
Shay Stacer, PhD
When not working, my free time is spent hanging out with my daughter, engaging in creative pursuits, exploring the beautiful state of Oregon in my vintage truck camper, and traveling as much as time and funds will allow.
Theresa Chan, PhD
As a daughter of immigrants, I am energized by time spent with loved ones, especially if it involves cooking and food! I also love being active with my dog Murphy and turning my home slowly into a plant filled space.