Brian Sandoval, PsyD

I am a licensed psychologist with over a decade of experience working in the “trenches” of primary care with medical providers and residents. I’ve heard consistently that practicing medicine can be incredibly rewarding and draining – sometimes on the same day. I wholeheartedly believe that supporting providers through these ups and downs is critical to sustaining our health care system. While that support can take many forms, I have often found myself helping providers manage the consistent tension between their occupational calling, the toll it takes on their personal lives, and the concrete stress of daily clinical practice.

My approach to clinical care is both compassionate and practical. Each provider brings a unique experience and history, and I aim to help individuals function more effectively in their personal and professional lives as soon as possible. My focus is not on psychological labels but instead on helping people cope and get “unstuck” through evidence-based approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). If you’re interested in learning more, I’m happy to offer an initial 20-minute consultation call so we can determine together the best approach for your situation.

On a personal level, I love taking road trips with my family, coaching my sons’ sports teams, eating tacos, and watching soccer (the “real” football.)

Lane Weeks DeWan, PsyD

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and I have 10 years of experience working with students and trainees. My goal is to provide a compassionate and clarifying space as we work toward optimal wellness and quality of life. We might explore relevant experiences, values, identities, relationships, thought and behavior patterns, and contextual systems.

My approach is strengths-based, to amplify the good while also tending to difficult domains. We’ll use evidence-based practices including CBT and ACT. Therapy goals are flexible and informed by your priorities.

I have ample experience working with people from underserved populations. My work is informed by specific training and experience with people of prominence, health care professionals, attorneys, first generation families, women, neurodiverse people, and LGBTQIA+ folks. I value the unique challenges healthcare professionals face via advanced clinical training and professional roles – concurrent with leading full personal lives.

Outside of my work you can find me in the forest, reading, or trying my hand at various creative endeavors.

Lauren S. Harper, PhD

I am a licensed psychologist and I have practiced for nearly a decade in academic medicine, primary care, and hospital units as a behavioral health clinician. I have also worked as an employee wellness manager for medical professionals. I enjoy helping people live their most authentic and liberated lives while honoring how we came to know and understand ourselves and the world through our cultural lens and the systems we navigate.

I am equipped to support medical professionals through my professional and clinical training but also in my personal experiences of being the daughter of a nurse. I am comfortable and have expertise working with people on racial and gender trauma, social and political concerns that impact daily functioning, and familial, social and partner relationships. In working with me you can expect that I will both challenge and support you through empathy, grace, humor/laughter, and authenticity.

Outside of work I love exploring new restaurants, finding local experiences and spending time at home with my partner to rejuvenate. I am also honored you are considering working with me.

Shay (Stacer) Vian, PhD

As a licensed clinical psychologist with 10 years of experience working side-by -side with primary care clinicians and specialists, I’m extremely passionate about meeting the emotional needs of medical professionals serving our rural and underserved communities. I earned my PhD from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2010. Inspired by the intersection of medicine and psychology, I went on to complete a postdoctoral fellowship at Access Community Health Centers and University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics before venturing out to the rural Oregon coast.

When not working, my free time is spent hanging out with my daughter, engaging in creative pursuits, exploring the beautiful state of Oregon in my vintage truck camper, and traveling as much as time and funds will allow.

Theresa Chan, PhD

As a clinician and social justice advocate, I am committed to promoting meaningful and inclusive spaces for diverse communities. My experience has been in community mental health working with multidisciplinary teams, higher education training graduate students, and tech. With my intersecting identities, I aim to empower and tailor care for healthcare professionals to heal, build community, and create collective strength at the individual and systemic level.

As a daughter of immigrants, I am energized by time spent with loved ones, especially if it involves cooking and food! I also love being active with my dog Murphy and turning my home slowly into a plant filled space.

Joan Fleishman, PsyD

I have worked alongside health care clinicians my entire career, starting in 2011 rounding in the hospital and working in the ED in South Chicago. From academic medicine to rural primary care, I understand the culture of medicine and struggles and sacrifices you make to do your work. Whether it is a life transition, getting through residency, maintaining a two clinician household, relationship struggles, or recovery from a bad outcome or loss we all need a little support.

I spend my free time exploring the PNW, spoiling my fur babies, being active outside, and cooking.

For existing patients: Meet with Joan.

Joan is not taking new patients at this time.

Medication Support

Deb Kiehlmeier, DO

I have been a board-certified psychiatrist since 2021. I am originally from New Jersey and completed my training on the East Coast before graduating and moving to the Pacific Northwest. I struggled with my own mental health during medical training, and understand the extreme stress that trainees must endure.

As cliche as it may sound, I do believe I have a holistic approach to psychiatry, and try to first "do no harm" - by ensuring medications are appropriate and not causing harm, and maximizing lifestyle interventions.

My greatest joys are my cats, who sometimes like to join me on telepsych visits.

Tara O'Connor, PMHNP-BC, DNP

I am a board certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP-BC), with a Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP). I collaborate with my clients in a whole person approach to mental health, including whether medication management is right for them. I follow evidence-based guidelines blended with clinical experience, personal observation, and intuition. My practice focus includes treatment of anxiety, trauma related conditions, mood disorders, life transitions, relationship health, expecting and postpartum parents, and consultation with other health care providers.